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 Energy Posters

ENERGY summer camps

Graphic material for the ENERGY summer camps

Graphic material for the ENERGY summer camp, a Gasol Foundation project in collaboration with YMCA Los Angeles. ENERGY is a Healthy Summer Camp for kids, where they learn how to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Using the Healthy Galaxy planets from Gasol Foundation as the protagonists I designed flyers and informative posters for the families and children, also pedagogic material for the kids to use during the summer camp, such as the ENERGY Healthy Galaxy Passport. Which is a tool that the kids use during their stay in the camp, they get to personalize it and  it also has stickers that they win through learning the important key messages of the summer camp.

To create this material I used Illustrator, Indesign, and Photoshop.


 Energy Passport
 Energy Rack Cards